Are luxury handbags a good investment?

Are luxury handbags a good investment?

Bags are a safe bet in any closet. Not only because they improve any look or due to its usefulness. They are, also, because getting luxury handbags means investing in something that will double in value in the future.


So, are luxury handbags a good investment? Yes, they certainly are. And in fact, luxury bags are an asset in the wardrobes of fashionistas. They are pieces that do not devalue as easily as others do. When we talk about investment, most of us only think about money and our bank account. But there is another thing. It’s necessary to point out that obtaining luxury handbags is an investment for your closet too. Why? Because a quality designer bag can be a perfect addition to your wardrobe. It lasts a long time, and it will look beautiful because of its quality. If you are interested in learning more about this topic, stay with us and keep reading! Let’s discover together the benefits of acquiring a luxury bag.


Are luxury handbags worth it?


Are luxury handbags worth it?

Yes, luxury handbags are worth it! Also, luxury handbags are a good investment. But before you ask yourself why we will explain the reasons. When you choose a luxury bag, it lasts for years. That is why they are worth buying. It can remain intact regardless of the passage of time since the materials guarantee long durability. That is why we say that buying designer handbags is not just a monetary investment. If you wear luxury handbags, people are sure to notice your good fashion sense. In addition, they will be unique pieces in your closet.


On the other hand, buying luxury handbags is also worth it for their monetary value. Yes, we know, buying them is very expensive. But in the future, you can double your investment if you pay that price. Designer bags are valuable pieces of art, so they are certainly worth the money as well. You don't pay for just one bag; you pay for a piece with quality materials. In addition, talented artists oversee its making, pouring lots of hours of their time into each of the bags. Also, another reason why having a luxury bag is worth it´s the historical and collectible value they have. And, lastly, these sorts of pieces hardly go out of style. 


Is it good to buy luxury bags?



Is it good to buy luxury bags?

Yes! It is good to buy luxury bags because they always guarantee great quality and durability. Here are some reasons why it´s good to buy luxury bags:

  • It´s good to buy luxury bags because you support the original brands and not the imitations. When you buy a luxury bag, you help to continue with quality designs. Also, if you buy luxury bags from emerging brands, you help the brand grow while enjoying original designs. Such is the case of the ANSCEL brand, which belongs to a Korean designer in Canada. Their luxury bags are of exquisite designs, and the quality of the material is also assured. Cecilia Cho, the brand's designer, is an expert designer who highlights the perfect work of Korean designers.


  • Because it is one of the most versatile pieces you can have in your closet. You can match them with any outfit for any occasion! A luxury bag will always give you a refined look. A designer bag helps create a perfect setting for the rest of your outfit. So, for that reason, luxury handbags are a good investment.


  • It´s good to buy luxury handbags because the quality is unmatchable. In fact, in large part, that is why these bags are so expensive. Luxury bags always have the best materials. Even the decoration elements are of the highest quality. Also, remember that when a bag has a premium leather or even exotic skins, that will raise its price. However, it´s worth it because what you pay is related to the quality of the product.


  • Buying luxury bags it´s a good call because they have a higher value at resale. Although not all of them can be resold (for example, luxury bags personalized with your name), many you can resell later. For that reason, designer bags are called investment pieces. If you ever get tired of a bag or feel like you are no longer using it as you would like, you can resell it. That way, you'll get what you paid for it and maybe a little more.


  • Because the cost per use is worth it. If you think about how much you always spend in your closet, you´ll find that it often makes more sense to buy designer pieces. Why? Because by replacing a $50 bag every 3-6 months, you will eventually spend hundreds of dollars in your lifetime. But if you buy a designer bag once, you can wear it your whole life and even pass it off as an heirloom item. Luxury handbags are a good investment for life, not for a few months.

What designer bag is the best investment?


What designer bag is the best investment?

We all know that shopping for a new designer bag can be tricky. Especially if you've been saving for a long time. When buying a luxury handbag, in addition to considering its design, you should also consider how well the item retains its value and how much you could resell it if you ever wanted to. With that in mind, among the best bag designers, you can invest in are Hermès, Telfar, Gucci, Louis Vuitton, and Chanel. However, you can also bet on emerging brands such as ANSCEL, a luxury handbag brand designed by a Korean designer in Canada. Why? Because investing in one of their bags will also guarantee quality. Besides durability, and classic and beautiful designs that never go out of style. Those luxury handbags are a good investment in your closet.


How much should you pay for a bag?



How much should you pay for a bag?

Determining what is affordable is a very subjective decision. Just like saying how much you should pay for a bag or something else. We can´t tell you how much you should pay for a bag. Because that depends on many things. For instance, how much your income is, the purchases you can afford, and, also, what you like or dislike. So, if the cost of a handbag puts you in debt to your credit card, creates buyer's remorse, or you have other priorities, then buying a luxury designer handbag is too much to spend. But, there´s another way you can still fulfill your wish for a luxury bag.


If you don't have enough money at the moment, you can consider putting the bag in reserve. You can also save some money in special savings accounts for bags. You can find out what other expenses you can reduce. But while investing in a luxury bag is worthwhile, it is better to avoid impulsive spending. There is no use spending all the money on a luxury bag if later you´ll be worried about money. When you wonder how much you should pay, remember that it all depends on your budget, priorities, and needs. In the end, only you know how much you should or should not pay for a bag.


Are luxury handbags a good investment? The answer is an absolute yes. Buying luxury handbags is an investment for your closet since you will have a beautiful product of excellent quality. But it is also perfect for your pocket when you see its value at resale. Do you like luxury bags? Have you had the opportunity to buy one? Let us know about your experience in the comments. And don't forget to visit us every day!